When the World is Chaotic and I Feel Small

In December 2016, I wrote a blog post called, “Now What?” that listed things I felt were important at a time when the world seemed particularly dark and chaotic. I recently ran into my list again, and it still seems like good advice, even though I was much younger when I wrote it, so I tweaked the list and made it into an image and a .pdf in case anyone wants to use it, print it, share it (CC BY-NC 4.0), whatever:

Now What? What Can I Do? (when the world is chaotic and I feel small) I. Do whatever your work is (paid work, volunteering, housework, caretaking, etc.), do it well, and do it heartily, as for God. (1 Sam. 10:7, Eccl. 9:10, Col. 3:23) II. Emphasize outreach. Whatever else you think the world needs, it needs Jesus first. III. Stop being distracted by the temporal. IV. Be alone (no screens, think deeply, pray in the silence). V. Don’t be alone (live among others, fully love others). VI. Create beautiful things. VII. Oppose awful things. VIII. Do good as you are led to do so. IX. Remember that Christ is King, Lord of all, and that God Almighty has always directed the times and ages and nations, and has not stopped doing so today. Fix your eyes on Him, always. X. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 (ESV). Adapted from raebotsford.com/blog/now-what

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I hope this list helps you, too!


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